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Capital Airport Trolley Operation Management

by:Cheerong     2020-03-02
In the capital airport terminal, there are such a special group of 'employees'. 'They' accompany the passengers to complete the journey smoothly, appearing silently at the key nodes of the entry and exit process, and providing silent help when passengers need them. 'They' are the trolleys of the Capital Airport. 'They' have a commendable achievement: in the International Airport Association (ACI) passenger satisfaction assessment, the airport's trolley service has maintained the world's forefront for many years, and the single satisfaction of 'is the luggage trolley convenient or sufficient?' No. 1 in the world, known as 'No. 1 in the world'. 'Supply is in short supply' is the challenge 'Each area speeds up the transportation speed, multiple tour groups at the scene are concentrated in Hong Kong, and the vehicle is in tight use. Add it quickly!' The wheelbarrow squad leader urged the person who passed the wheelbarrow beside him to communicate with other areas by phone to strengthen the linkage. 'Why not come to the car? So many people are waiting.' Passengers waiting to pick up their luggage next to the baggage carousel started to get anxious. 'Passengers, now is the peak travel time. We have stepped up the deployment and the vehicles will be replenished immediately. Please do not worry, wait a moment.' The staff who maintain order at the scene calmed the passengers' emotions. In the distance, a number of trolley transporters pushed the long string of carts hard, sweating and accelerating the pace under their feet. Dozens of trolleys have just been delivered to the scene, and soon they are emptied by anxiously waiting passengers. This is a microcosm of the peak hours of the trolley. As the passenger throughput of the Capital Airport continues to increase, passengers' requirements for the convenience of using trolleys are gradually increasing. At the same time, the trolley equipment is facing the reality that the annual wear and tear is getting serious. In 2016, the annual passenger throughput of the Capital Airport exceeded the 90 million passenger mark, marking a new milestone and the improvement of trolley services has also entered a bottleneck period. On the one hand, the number of trolleys required for annual passenger traffic at the Capital Airport does not match the number of trolleys in operation, especially during peak hours; on the other hand, the problem of old vehicles is serious, and there is a mismatch between the annual consumption and the speed of new car procurement. The inequality between demand and supply restricts the improvement of service quality, and whether it is possible to respond quickly and effectively supplement operating vehicles has become a difficult problem for airport managers. 'Dare to Think and Dare' to explore together In order to avoid a “car crisis” at the scene, the “roadblock” must be fundamentally removed. Facing how to break through the 'pain points', the managers of the Capital Airport Terminal began a new exploration. Through in-depth analysis of the causes of the two types of mismatch, find the answer from the source. In the original trolley service operation, the daily operation service and maintenance were specifically entrusted to external service providers, while the trolley management was the responsibility of the airport management. Under the original operating model, the overall process of new car procurement was cumbersome. The procurement cycle ranged from four to five months to as much as eight or nine months. There was a certain lag in the relief of on-site pressure. At the same time, after the warranty period of the new car, it is necessary to separately consider the supporting maintenance work and maintenance costs. For this reason, for the identified key links such as procurement and maintenance, the airport management team conducted several discussions on the trolley management mode. Will it continue to optimize the local process according to the original model, or will it use a combination of some vehicles' own procurement and some vehicle leasing? There is a lot of divergence in the model, or even more boldly, the new model of car rental services (including maintenance). Practice is the best test standard, and the staff decided to conduct on-site trials through a new model of vehicle rental services (including maintenance), using real data and results to speak. Based on the on-site operation analysis, the staff selected the domestic luggage hall T2, which is the busiest daily trolley operation, as a pilot area for the new model of vehicle rental services (including maintenance), and measured the number of vehicles that needed to be replenished to the area through leasing. With the assistance of all parties, intensive preparations were started for the pilot work. The airport manager and the trolley labor service provider repeatedly discussed the service content, service standards, service plans and rental costs, fully considered the details of the implementation process, and finally signed Related agreement. Subsequently, the service providers of the trolley labor service directly contacted the trolley manufacturers, in-depth communication of procurement issues, eliminating unnecessary links, and maximizing the procurement efficiency as much as possible. Two months later, 1,100 new vehicles were purchased and transported in place, appeared in the domestic luggage hall of T2, and were put into on-site operation support work. The four-month trial operation progressed in an orderly manner with the concerted efforts and support of all parties. 'Promote Chenzhixin' Qi Promotion In order to further study the economics and applicability of the new model of trolley rental service, and to do a good job of analyzing the effects during the pilot operation, the Capital Airport set up a special joint assessment team, which separately evaluates the subjective evaluation of passengers and the objective measurement of operating conditions. Comprehensive evaluation and consideration. Among them, the objective monitoring of on-site operation is mainly by recording the number of trolleys used, the number of point vehicles, measuring passenger usage, and the amount of trolleys remaining in the building per unit time, while continuously monitoring the frequency of trolley transports and measuring the turnover of trolleys. In the subjective observation of passengers, the opinions and suggestions of passengers were collected in the form of questionnaires, and the overall and detailed satisfaction evaluations of passengers using trolleys were recorded. The entire evaluation process is divided into three phases: the old model, the new model (run-in period), and the new model. The evaluation time covers the Spring Festival guarantee period in order to truly reflect the effect of project landing. Many passengers have praised the availability, convenience and cleanliness of the trolleys, and passengers generally report: 'I feel that there are more trolleys, and it is convenient to pick up the cars without waiting. I like you.' 'Our employees can feel that the order has improved on the spot, and the service quality has been significantly improved. Everyone no longer has to rush around like an ant on a hot pot.' The trolley manager said with a smile. After a comprehensive and detailed analysis, comprehensive consideration was given to meeting passenger car demand and improving contract management efficiency, etc. It was agreed that the evaluation results of this model in the trial operation phase were good. The airport management has strengthened their confidence and quickly promoted the model directly from the pilot operation to the three terminals of the Capital Airport. It strengthened the management of trolley services with a new model and made innovations more detailed. The adoption of this innovative mode of 'labor service operation + vehicle leasing' not only provides better options for the operation and management of trolley services, but also becomes a typical example of the capital airport's practice of genuine service. ('China Civil Aviation News'
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