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The dirtiest place in the airport turned out to

by:Cheerong     2020-02-21
Where are the most germs at the airport? Is it a toilet? Or a crowded waiting area? Or a passport inspection counter? To my surprise, none of the above. A joint research report from a team of experts from the University of Nottingham in the UK and the National Institute of Health and Welfare in Finland was published in the BMC Infectious Diseases magazine. The study revealed that the airport's security tray is the biggest culprit in the spread of germs . So next time you put your phone, passport, and laptop in a security tray―perhaps hand sanitizer is worth it. The team monitored bacterial levels on the surfaces of various objects in Helsinki-Vantaa Airport in Finland during the winter of 2016. They found evidence of the virus in 10% of all surfaces tested, which would surely drive crazy people on the go. Other hot spots for germs are payment terminals in stores, handrails on stairs, passport check counters, children's playgrounds, and-inevitably-in the air. There are rhinoviruses that cause a common cold, plus some signs of flu. Surprisingly, no swab virus was detected on the surface of the toilet. 'This study confirms cases of how viral infections are spread to raise public awareness,' Jonathan Van Tram, a professor of health protection from the University of Nottingham School of Medicine, said in a statement. 'People can wash their hands hygienically at all times and cover their mouths with handkerchiefs, paper towels or sleeves when coughing to minimize infections, especially in public places.' His team partner, Niina Ikonen, a virologist from the Finnish National Institute of Health and Welfare, added: 'The findings also provide a new technological improvement concept for airport design and renovation.' At the end of the research paper, the team suggested that airports could 'provide opportunities for hand disinfection in areas such as intense and frequent contact with surfaces before and after security checks.' At the same time, the article also suggests that the security inspection tray and other surfaces that are frequently contacted should be disinfected more frequently. Research indicates that contact with plastic security trays is almost unavoidable for travellers, unlike other places, such as we can not use the payment terminal of the airport store. After boarding Even if you escape the germs in the airport, previous research has shown that the cabin is just as dirty. A research article from Travelmath reports that the small table on the seat is the first dirty, the surface with the most germs and the vents above the head. Of course, no matter if you touch these surfaces before boarding or during flight, there is no guarantee that you will be infected with the virus. the best choice? Wash your hands as much as possible and bring a bottle of trusted hand sanitizer with you.
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